Someone who commits a crime may face a variety of different outcomes. They might receive years in prison, a term of probation, or they may even get off scot-free. The punishment depends on the severity of the crime and the ability of the lawyer that is representing them. In certain cases, a high-risk defendant may get placed on what’s called intensive supervision probation. This form of probation is a program designed as an alternative to prison, but with almost the same amount of regulations.
If you are under intensive probation supervision, you need to know your rights. At Belén Law Firm, we’ll inform you of those rights and ensure that they are upheld and protected. In this post, we’ll explain intensive probation supervision and what makes it different from standard probation.
Intensive Probation Supervision Definition
Intensive probation supervision (IPS) is a way of releasing someone back into the community while maintaining severe restrictions. These restrictions can be excessive. Intensive probation closely monitors convicted criminals and requires strict conditions upon release.
The goal of IPS is to help rehabilitate both juvenile and adult offenders outside of prison. It aims to reduce the rate of recidivism, meaning individuals are less likely to make repeat offenses.
IPS works with supporting agencies to ensure the probationer is not only monitored, but taking positive steps toward rehabilitation. These agencies may include:
- Mental health organizations
- Counseling services
- Social services
- Community treatment programs
- Addiction resources
- Relapse prevention programs
- Educational and vocational training programs
Having access to these services allows probationers to work towards a better future for themselves.
What Is Intensive Probation Supervision?
There are a few things you can expect from intensive probation supervision. One of these is several face-to-face meetings per week with a probation officer. Your officer will also give unannounced, random drug and alcohol tests to you. They will stay in regular contact with treatment providers, employers, and family members to better assess your progress.
The terms of the probation enforce the proper maintenance of living conditions and employment. If you are under intensive probation supervision, you’ll need to take part in frequent treatment and educational programs. You can also count on having a certain number of community service hours per week.
You should also expect electronic monitoring and regular surveillance. In addition, you’ll need to pay fees for the probation supervision. To do this, you will submit all of your income to the probation officer upon payment. You’ll receive the rest of your income after these obligatory fees have been satisfied.
This level of probation is often viewed as an alternative to imprisonment. Someone who is on IPS is an offender who, without regular and intensive supervision, would otherwise be in prison. The reason they may use intensive probation rather than incarceration often has to do with prison overcrowding.
Pros And Cons Of Intensive Probation Supervision
For the individuals themselves, a pro to IPS is that their alternative would be a prison sentence. It allows a serious offender to maintain a sense of freedom while still under close supervision.
There seems to be a correlation between the participation in community treatment programs and the probability that the criminal will reoffend. With more treatment and training opportunities, the rate of recidivism reduces. For this reason, IPS can at times be more effective than imprisonment in better meeting the rehabilitation needs of the offender.
It also benefits the community by offering relief for the overcrowding of prisons. Unfortunately, the problem of overcrowding still persists, but less so with this alternative. It may also reduce the number of caseloads for inmates.
One con of IPS is that in most cases, the individuals on probation are high-risk felons. These people can pose a threat of danger to the community. Though under supervision, they still have the ability to make decisions that can harm themselves or others.
For the individual, intensive probation supervision can feel like a tease. They appear free because they aren’t behind bars, but they’re still consistently monitored and controlled.
How Does Intensive Supervision Differ From Standard Probation?
Intensive probation supervision is different from standard probation in many ways. For one, standard probation is for less serious offenses and is generally a separate punishment than jail. Intensive probation is more for high-risk offenders and is a similar punishment to prison.
For standard probation, reporting is much more lenient and generally occurs on a monthly schedule, give or take. Offenders are also not required to remain at home.
Meanwhile, IPS is much more like house arrest. The reporting schedule is very strict and often requires in-person meetings with an officer several times a week. Movements of the offender are constantly observed.
Standard probation is more of a warning than a punishment. It is there in the case that if the offender commits another crime or disobeys the law, further punishment will get ordered.
IPS intends to both punish and rehabilitate the offender. It is a way to supervise an offender to try and ensure they don’t commit another crime.
Conditions For Intensive Probation Supervision
In addition to the Uniform Conditions of Probation, probationers must meet certain conditions. Failure to comply with the conditions will result in probation violation, which leads to harsher punishment. These conditions include the following:
- Required to remain at place of residency at all times, except when going to work, school, treatment programs, or community service.
- The Adult Probation Department (APD) must approve any other exceptions.
- Perform at least 40 hours of community service per month unless otherwise specified by APD.
- Submit any income or wages earned to the IPS account to cover financial obligations.
- What remains of your income may either get held or dispersed at the APD’s discretion.
- Abide by the rules and regulations administered by the APD.
The APD will make any other conditions that are specific to your case clear.
Contact Belén Law Firm Today
If you’re under intensive probation supervision or if you have any further questions, we can help. Belén Law Firm offers aggressive criminal defense and representation to individuals in the Phoenix area. At Belén, our goal is to provide each of our clients with the best possible criminal defense in the state of Arizona. We deal with criminal charges ranging from sex offenses to violent crimes to homicide. If you or a loved one is in legal trouble, contact us today. Given Phoenix criminal defense lawyer Belén a call at 602-715-0908 or visit our website for your free case evaluation.